Frequently Asked Questions
20 Articles
- Where Can I Find my Kit Contents List?
- How Do I Cite Science Interactive Content?
- What If My Kit has Missing or Damaged Items?
- Why do some items in my kit look different than the pictures or videos in my curriculum?
- There's a notice in my kit saying it was shipped without an item. How do I get the missing piece?
- How do I know how to complete my labs?
- Do you disclose any information to outside parties?
- The microorganisms in my kit are not growing. What should I do?
- Are the microorganisms included in the kit safe to use at home?
- My burner fuel does not have a wick. What should I do?
- My burner fuel leaked in my kit. What should I do?
- I think my IKI leaked. Can I still complete my experiment?
- If I need to travel by plane, can I bring my kit with me?
- My test tubes are not fitting in the test tube rack. What should I do?
- The materials list for my lab in the SI Cloud is calling for lens paper/slides, but I did not receive any in my kit.
- Does the V-Scope include oil immersion lenses?
- Can I reorder individual items for my lab kit?
- I received a broth/agar that is expired. Can I still use it?
- How to find your sales order or shipment number
- How to find your kit number