Your Gradebook in your SI Cloud course is where you can review your grades as you progress through your semester and get feedback from your instructor.
To see your Gradebook, select "Gradebook" from the dropdown menu in your course

On the right-hand side of the page, you will find columns displaying your score and grade for each lesson.

- Lesson Score: The number of points you received for correctly answering questions against how many points were possible in the lesson.
- Credit/Penalty: Additional extra credit or penalty points that your instructor has applied to the lesson.
- Total Score: The final amount of points you received for the lesson, calculated by applying your Credit/Penalty points to your Lesson Score.
Total Percentage: The percentage value grade calculated from your Total Score for the lesson.
- Pending: You have completed the lesson and it is ready for your instructor to grade.
- In Progress: You have started, but not completed, the lesson.
1. Select the speech bubble next to the bonus or penalty points

2. Review your instructor's Reason and Comment

3. Select the "X" icon to close the popup

On the left-hand side of the page, you will see the list of lessons in your course.

1. Select an arrow to see the list of questions for each lesson

2. Select a question to see a popup that displays your answer and score for the question

Your instructor can leave feedback to your questions. If they do, you will see an alert displayed on your dashboard next to the lesson name.

1. Select the arrow next to the lesson name

2. Select the speech bubble icon next to the question score.

3. Review your answer to the question and your instructor's feedback

You can also select any attachments your instructor may have included; images, PDFs, links, etc.