If you have purchased a kit from your bookstore or ordered your kit through the Cloud, follow these steps to unlock access to your course curriculum in SI Cloud.
If you already have an SI Cloud account, skip to step 4.
1. Go to the course enrollment link provided by your instructor.
You'll receive a link from your instructor to access your SI course. If you do not have a link, please contact your instructor and request it.
2. Fill out the form to create an SI account.
Use your name and school email, then create a password and select "Submit."

3. Review and Accept the User Agreement.

4. Select the course name.
You'll see all active courses you're registered for on the SI Cloud landing page. Each course name is a hyperlink that brings you to the course homepage.

5. Select "Enter a Code" then "Kit Code" on the top right of your screen.

6. Find the Kit Code on your box.
Your kit code is located in one of three locations on your box, depending on your kit: on the underside of the sticker label (beneath the outer cardboard security sleeve), inside the box lid, or inside the booklet in your box.

If your kit has a Digital Content List available, the box lid sticker will instead look like this:

7. Enter your kit code and click "Submit."